The Wake Up Call – Wk-1 1.2.13

     It’s a new year ladies and gents and as such I’d like to introduce you all to a new “Wake Up Call”……….the Game of 13’s.  Unlike the Game of 5’s back in September, this will be a cake walk (or maybe not).  2 exercises for 13 minutes, sounds like a cake walk to me.

     The Wake Up Call – a small combination of exercises performed sometime between rolling out of bed and heading off to work.  They are designed to give you a burst of energy (or burning desire to stay home) first thing in the morning and equip you with the strength of 10 men, women, and children.

*Note:  strength levels may be imagined due to lack of blood flow to the brain after the workout 😉

At the top of every minute for 13 minutes, perform the following:

  • 13 Push Ups
  • 13 Squats

(your rest period depends on how fast you can get these done)


I do suggest that you try to do this twice a day if you can because you will need the muscle memory and endurance later in January!  Good Luck, have fun and stay FOCUSED!!!

More to come………

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