The Wake Up Call – Wk-1 3.4.13

                As this month’s word is QUALITY, I thought we would focus on how well we perform some of basic exercises.  As I cannot be there to assess your performance we will have to rely on Heavy Reps.  You will probably do more reps of each of these this month than any other month this year.  Hopefully, the muscle memory will be built through absolute muscle fatigue.  Good Luck, stay focused, be determined and give me a quality performance!!



Although some of these you may not be able to perform in a single cycle, keep going until you do them all.  Perform the required number of reps with as few breaks as possible.  Upon completion of all the reps for one exercise, move on to the next exercise.  Time yourself from beginning to end and post your times.  (all exercises are done with just your body weight………. unless you WANT to add weight!)

100 Squats

75 Jack Knife Sit-Ups (aka V-Up)

50 Push Ups

25 Burpees


Jack Knife Sit-Up (aka V-Up)

Push Up


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